Dr Sketchy Cleveland: Halloween III

After digging myself out of a mountain of homework, I dragged myself to this years halloween Dr Sketchy. It was my second time a drawing a bearded lady at a Sketchy event, although it was a fake beard this time around.   I haven't made up my mind which one I prefer, but I have made my mind up about the people, It's good to be back drawing with friends.

It's also good to draw in this marker style again.
(which I haven't done since I moved away)

A Stick Figure In Cleveland: Part One

 Like In San Francisco, I want to chart my figure drawing growth on the website.  Unfortunately, I haven't had the time to keep up with it as well as I'd like.  

Cleveland's a drinking town after all.  

Here is the first month of my anatomy assignments and exercises.  They are mostly forty minute charcoal drawings done on 18 x 24 newsprint.  

They are all done from photos.  I plan on uploading work from over the summer from a live model, and hopefully get to some more figure drawing sessions in the near future.