Level Up

Experimental Animation assignment number two.

I can't sculpt, my hands are too clumsy. I usually can't reach the last few Pringles either.

But I think I'm beginning to understand timing.

Which is one of the 12 principles of animation, which is how I like to refer to it.

I'm studying the twelve principles of animation. Like I had to traverse a gauntlet, and defeat a minotaur to capture yellow scrolls where it was all written down.

Makes me sound important, like I've discovered the Wu-Tangs secret.

Maybe one day I'll be like Doctor Strange. Meditating in an incense filled room on the twelve principles of animation.

Wearing a Bugs Bunny shirt.

Starship Troopers

Stop motion project number one (with a group) with found objects.

He is an army man, and giant bugs attack him, then he dies.

No, that's not what the assignment sheet said to do.

Begin Training Session

Conte work from my very first workshop as a student.
Yes it's a pirate.

I seriously was waiting to draw the turtle for the second half of the session.

Probably the worst life drawing work I've done in years (also the first time I've been yelled at in years), but let's use this a sign post a year from now.

Never Stopped Me From Gettin Busy

As it stands, I don't have a drafting table, so I'm spending more time in my sketchbook.

Sometimes Digital Underground is playing when that happens.

Which almost makes up for the lack of desk.

Hers And Hers And His

School trip to the San Francisco Zoo. More of an excuse to meet people, eat veggie burgers, and listen to reggae.

Everyone LOVES reggae in this town for some goddawful reason.

Also a good reason to get homesick, since Catie and I used to hit the zoo up and draw back in Cleveland. The benefit, aside from having your pal with you, is that everyone that walked by was amazed you could draw at all.

That was not the case here, and the only reason I'm posting a lot of this work is to track my progress as I go through school.

Also to make Threes Company references.

(which was at the LA zoo, not the SF zoo)

Orange You Glad I Didn't Say Banana

Sketchbook drawing of Roxanne (who I've decided needs to change the spelling to ROCKSanne, thus increasing her rock output by at least 16 percent) outside of a cafe by the park.

I bought the orange marker the day after I moved to San Francisco. Orange is more California-ie.

I think.

Then again by that logic I should have used more gray in Cleveland.

Girls, Girls, Girls

Late night listening to radio-lab, seeing how far I can play with forms.